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The Best New Year’s Eve lips with ArtDeco

Še malo pa bo napočil čas za najdaljšo noč v letu. Seveda je za posebno noč primerno tudi posebno ličenje. Danes je na vrsti moj predlog za najlepše in najbolj posebne ustnice. Za ta videz potrebuješ dva izdelka iz najbolj praznične kolekcije to leto – ArtDeco Crystal Garden, ki jo je navdihnila lepota kristalov, Swarovski kristalov.

Essence Midnight Masquerade and The Little X-Mas Factory Limited Edition


Tokrat sem se odločila, da v eno objavo združim kar dve Essence omejeni kolekciji, saj je že obe moč najti na poličkah. Iz vsake kolekcije imam za vas predstavitev dveh izdelkov.

This time I’ve decided to join two Essence limited editions in one post since both can already be found in our stores.

Guest post: Movember

I wondered a long time about what I want to do for Movember post and at least I realized – guest post. So I asked Rok from My perspective and was very happy he eventually said yes. So, let’s welcome Rok and his view on Movember:

When Nyx’s beauty blog asked me to write a guest post about Movember, my first thought was ”No”, I don’t have time for it, I became a father 2 weeks ago, I must go back to work and I have stuff to do with my two blogs (London za vsak žep, My perspective), little self-promotion doesn’t hurt…
But then I thought about it again and it’s Movember, it’s the most important month for men all around the world and who am I to say no to a chance to raise awareness.